35 years ago, on February 15, 1989, the Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanisatn. Russia today is denigrating the key role played the USSR coming to support its ally. this narrative of the so called Soviet mistake in Afghanistan coming to support its ally is biased and incorrect insight over the USSR intervention in Afghanistan, a story manufactured by the worthy successors of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. In the name of internationalism and the support to colonized peoples all over the world the USSR was ready to help to provide support at the national liberation from the yoke of western colonialism and imperialism. conversely, All the colonized peoples have always considered the USSR as the big brother, wise partner on which one can count to lead heroic and epical struggle against powerful western colonizers. Ho Chi Minh went from Paris to Moscow to learn the principles and the methods to liberate his country from the French colonization. Ther is always Patrice Lumumba’s university in Moscow. Nasser’s Egypt turned to the USSR for help to build Assouan dam and to Tito for military equipment. without the support of the USSR, there is no country called the DRPK on the map of the globe. In only few years following the USSR support to Najibullah’s government schools and hospitals in the most remote corners of the country. Unfortunately, this successful experience in Afghanistan came to end with the destruction of the USSR by Gorbachev and Yeltsin. One can say also that inertia and inaction of Russia post USSR giving free hand to western imperialism helped the destruction of Afghanistan going returned today to the middle age, of Serbia bombed during 78 days, of Iraq’s two wars in 1991 and 2003, of Libya in 2011 and Syria. it is no coincidence that the countries which were victims of invasions and wars of aggression in the Middle East and in Africa, committed by western imperialism following the demise of the USSR were all former allies of the Soviet Union.