Anti-communism : political roots

Anti-communism : political roots

The Revolution of  1917 inaugurates a new era in the modern history and especially that of the Twentieth century.  With the victory of the Russian, emerged in Europe and later over the world a rival system  and this revolution was the most sweeping in all modern history. We have longtime thought that the last revolution was that of French revolution but by following the course of this revolution, we can quickly form an idea, the French revolution do not change fundamentally the structure of the society and albeit horror and upheavals that occurred during her course from 1789 till the end of the Napoleonic wars, Apart the short interval of Jacobin regime which lasted only one year from 1792 to 1793, the old system of provileges was transferred to a new ruling class the bourgeoisie and the old institutions remain unchanged or only altered somewhat. the former ruling classes survived the Revolution down to this very day. The ancien regime continues till today with a new ruling class. the French revolution affected the western world non at because of her breaking with the past and its vestiges but of her uninterrupted and continual wars which lasted a quarter of century. By trying a comparison between the French and the Russian revolution, we can say without deceiving ourselves that the former was a mild affair and a soft uprising. Indeed, the Russian Revolution had not only toppled middle age the ruling class but all the old landmarks were swept away, the autocrat of all Russia was his throne destroyed the Church lost power its wealth and power the landed nobility ceased to exist All land went to the state and several hundred thousands of the larger farm owners were ruthlessly killed or deported to be distributed while the land was organized into great collective farms.

The Bolshevik Revolution deserves the name of revolution for many reasons. First the members of the ruling class had been decimated and had been killed and much larger numbers scattered over Europe as living examples of what Red revolution could do and its leaders could be able to do. All the wealthy families, privileges and power in Tsarist Russia went out and an entirely new leadership drawn from the lower masses took over and ruled solely in the name of the great masses. this is why Bolshevik revolution shook the world and none ever had and divide it as never before  It was in this extraordinary event in the beginning of the twentieth history that resides the political roots of anti-communism.