The Nazi-soviet Pacts : Stalin and Molotov's geopolitcal masterpiece The 1939 Nazi-Soviet pacts were concluded on August... [ Lire la suite... ]
Category "Archives"
Western “democracies” and fascism united against communism
Western "democracies" and fascism united against communism Not only Western “democracies” and their hypocritical politicians permitted German... [ Lire la suite... ]
Marshall plan, tool of US informal imperialism in Europe
Marshall plan, tool of US informal imperialism in Europe On March 25, 1947, shortly after the Truman Doctrine speech,... [ Lire la suite... ]
Cold War : the making up of legend
Cold War : the making up of legend the Cold War is often misinterpreted as a global... [ Lire la suite... ]
Truman Doctrine : containment or Encirclement of Soviet Union and suppression of all revolution ?
Truman Doctrine : containment or Encirclement of Soviet Union and suppression of all revolutions ? The Truman Doctrine is... [ Lire la suite... ]
The Truman Doctrine and the Open Door policy
The Truman Doctrine and the Open Door policy On march 6, 1947, President Truman made a speech... [ Lire la suite... ]
United States and the making of Europe
United States and the making of Europe In early November 1946, the Republicans had won control of... [ Lire la suite... ]
Churchill’s anti-communist crusade and the making of Europe
Churchill's anti-communist crusade and the making of Europe What is really the origins of the European Union ? To... [ Lire la suite... ]
French and Bolchevik Revolutions : Sociological and comparative study
French and Bolchevik Revolutions : Sociological and comparative Study Before investigating the sociological background of revolutions, we... [ Lire la suite... ]
Black legend of stalinism : Stalin, statesman, strategist and geopolitical thinker
Black legend of stalinism : Stalin, statesman, strategist and geopolitical thinker The black legend of Stalinism transforms... [ Lire la suite... ]