10 years ago, neo nazi groups supported by their western backers took over the power in Ukraine, inaugurating a 8 year period during which more than 14000 of Russian population in Donbass were killed. Bizarrely, there is no celebration of this sinister anniversary in the western mainstream media contrary to the noised celebration of the fall of Berlin wall ON November 1989 and for good reason, the discovery by Russia of the pink pot by taking the decision to launch the ongoing special military operation launched soon 2 years ago on February 24,2022 aimed at denazification of Ukraine regime and the most importantly, stop NATO’S expansion eastwards by using proxy regimes, as it did with the former socialist eastern European countries and the Baltic states. It is worth noting that more than two months later, the new neo nazi regime established by Euromaidan and its western sponsors inaugurated its rule by the infamous Odessa’s massacre on May 2, 2014 when neo nazi hooligans attacked Russian speaking peaceful demonstrators who were protesting and opposing Euromaidan coup d’état that overthrow the democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich who refused to sign humiliating agreements with the European union making of his country a new western colony. Odessa’s massacre had left 42 dead among the Ukraine’s Russian speaking populations burned alive after the neo nazi hooligans set fire in the Trade union House of the city. This event which can be considered as the first bloody action of the new regime in Kiev was also the first act of resistance of the Russian speaking populations of Donbass against illegal and illegal regime that took over the power thanks to the its western sponsors. Presently, in the western mainstream media, Euromaidan was a genuine popular revolution, democratic uprising of Ukrainians against the so called Yanukovich’s corrupt regime but in that time, the same western mainstream media were broadcasting and reporting by using the words neo nazi to qualify the new leadership who took over the power in Kiev in the aftermath of Euromaidan coup. 10 years after Euromaidan, stories emerged that the US and the European Union have lured Putin by giving him false promises that the new government in Kiev would be a friendly and not hostile government reminding us the false promises given by James Baker to naïve Gorbachev who had been lured and taken for granted which is not through this magic expression revealed later as a lie “no one inch eastwards”