MALI'S COUP AND THE LEGACY OF FRENCH COLONIALISM On 18 August, the Malian military arrested president Ibrahim Boubacar Këita (IBK) and prime minister Boubou Cissé, and set up the National Committee for the Salvation of the People (CNSP) This coup d’etat did not fall from... [ Continue Reading ]
Eskalation im Mittelmeer zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei
Eskalation im Mittelmeer zwischen Griechenland und der Türkei Griechenland und die Türkei streiten sich um Gewässer rings um die griechischen Ägäisinseln; der Streit verbindet sich mit erbitterten Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der Türkei und Zypern um Erdgasvorkommen ebenfalls im östlichen Mittelmeer. Kern sind sich gegenseitig ausschließende Ansprüche... [ Continue Reading ]
The two main objectives aimed by the backers of the color revolution in Belarus
THE TWO MAIN OBJECTIVES AIMED BY THE BACKERS OF THE COLOR REVOLUTION IN BELARUS Undoubtedly, the ongoing protests in Belarus look like a color revolution theorized by the late Gene Sharp writings. A color revolution instrumentalizes the psyche of the youth in order to change... [ Continue Reading ]
What was behind the atomic attack against Japan ?
75th ANNIVERSARY OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI What was behind the atomic attack against Japan? At the occasion of the 75th anniversary of bombing the two Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, the debate over the use of nuclear arms against... [ Continue Reading ]
What”Belarusian Guaido” offers to future Belarus?
WHAT “BELARUSIAN GUAIDO” OFFERS TO FUTURE BELARUS? Tens of thousands gathered in the centre of the Belarusian capital Minsk on Sunday for the third weekend of protests against President Alexander Lukashenko and chanting anti-government slogans outside the cabinet and parliament buildings in Independence Square. Dozens... [ Continue Reading ]
Pakistan’s new political map for Kashmir region
Pakistan’s new political map for disputed Kashmir region During a meeting in Islamabad attended by his cabinet and senior officials, speaking in Urdu, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan released the political map depicted as a “historic” move reflecting the desires of the people of Pakistan... [ Continue Reading ]
For which was meant US Atomic bomb?
75 years ago For which was meant US Atomic bomb ? On August 6,1945, Japan’s Hiroshima was bombed by US atomic bomb, nicknamed “Fat Man,” exploded with a force equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT fired an area that covered three square miles, killing instantly... [ Continue Reading ]
War of low intensity in the Himalayan China-India border
WAR OF LOW INTENSITY IN THE HIMALAYAN CHINA-INDIA BORDER Since the bloody skirmish, the Chinese and Indian Corps Commanders have held four rounds of talks so far on June 6, 22, 30 and July 14 to de-escalate from the build-up areas in Galwan Valley, Gogra-Hot... [ Continue Reading ]
Rivalitäten zwischen Frankreich, Italien und der Türkei um die Kontrolle über Libysches Öl und Gas
Seit der Ermordung von Kadaffi durch die NATO Invasion im Jahr 2011,ist Libyen Schauplatz von Bürgerkrieg und geopolitischen Interessen und zum Schlachtfeld geworden. Die drei Hauptakteure, die hinter der Zerstörung Libyens stehen, sind Frankreich, Italien und die Türkei. Zur Kontrolle und Förderung des libyschen Erdöls... [ Continue Reading ]
How EU is playing India against China in Indo-Pacific geopolitical rivalry
How EU is playing India against China in Indo-Pacific geopolitical rivalry On Wednesday, European Council President Charles Michel held a news conference in Brussels following a virtual summit with the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi in the framwork of what officially called the Bilateral Trade... [ Continue Reading ]