Iran and Sai Arabia posturing are bu a mere Hollywoodian show without any importance on the ground... [ Lire la suite... ]
Posts Tagged: "Iran"
Second front with the Lebanese Hezboallah ?
The conflict between Israel and Hamas my become uncontrolled if the a second front is opening with... [ Lire la suite... ]
The US flexing its muscles against Iran and Hezbollah
While the hostilities are raging in Gaza following Hamas’s attack on October 7 and Israeli riposte, the... [ Lire la suite... ]
Guerres et Géopolitique au Moyen Orient et en Afrique(Vient de paraître)
Guerres et Géopolitique au Moyen Orient et en Afrique Rien ne prédisposait le Moyen Orient et l'Afrique... [ Lire la suite... ]