WEST-USSR’s unnatural Alliance
By entering the Second World War, war along the united States, Britain and France, the Soviet leadership was well aware not only that their alliance had been, all things considered, dictated by fortuitous conjunction of circumstances but also and at first, unnatural alliance. . Indeed, Stalin who directly participated in the Bolshevik revolution, the Soviet Government had learned the lessons of the their country since 1917 onwards and particularly the numerous declared and undeclared wars western imperialist powers the permanent war waged by the western imperialist powers during the interwar period until the breakup of the Second World War. A survey of key facts provided by the diplomatic, political and military history and the policies implemented toward the Soviet Union since 1917 till the Nazi invasion of the U.S.S.R on June 22, 1941 were sufficiently eloquent and talking so that the Soviet leadership would aware and could realize quickly that its Alliance with the West was but a short truce, an interlude dictated by exceptional circumstances before the re-starting of longer and continued anti-communist crusade.
Since 1917, the Soviet leadership understood the situation accurately and clearly when the Western powers and its objective allies in the interwar period had adopted a definite position regarding the Soviet Union in the International life. Here it is not the appropriate place for detailing exposition of the West-U.S.S.R relations, but it is useful to mention briefly some of these hostile and ostracized diplomatic and political actions toward the Soviet Union or at least they had been seen and interpreted as such by the Soviet Government. In reviewing the chronology of key facts characterizing the West-U.S.S.R relations during the Bolshevik revolution afterwards, and the interwar period till the outbreak of the Second World War, the Soviet leadership and Stalin at first, that the West supported by its natural offspring, the fascism and Nazism in Europe and in Japan, did not allowed the establishment first in European Continent and then over the world, of a political system based on the abolition of the private ownership of the means of production and the setting up of collective ownership of these means of production. In short words, for the West and its leading power, the United States, the struggle against Bolshevism, and later against the Soviet Union during the interwar period and in the aftermath of the Second World War, against the communism and even against any political regime having any sympathy with the Soviet Union, became a matter of life or death.
here are some key facts suggesting this unnatural alliance and irreducible antagonism between the West and the Soviet Union.
-Western intervention on behalf the anti-Reds forces, the Czechs, the Kornilovs, the Kolchaks, the Denikins, the Yudenitchs, the Alexiev, the Wrangel, the Miller, the Der Glotz
-Allied intervention and foreign invasion by United states (1918-21), Britain, France, Germany (after armistice=, Japan, Poland) of North and South Russia, Siberia, Odessa, Crimea, Murmansk, occupation of Kiev, in the Baltic (Estonia, Latvia Lithuania), Finland
British War Minister, Winston Churchill directed general Ironside to prepare for an offensive in the direction of Kotlas with the object of making a junction with Kolchak
The failure of foreign intervention to crush the Bolshevik revolution
the Social democrat leader Ebert called for the Army high Command, General Groner, Hindenburg and Ludendorff to crush with artillery the Communist Spartacus
The Soviet Russia not desired a a member of the League of Nations
An anti-red Crusade in the United States, in Britain and in France after the failure of their intervention in Russia
Pretexting the forged story called “Zinoviev”, the British Conservatives severed on May 26, 1927 their diplomatic with the Soviet Union
Chicherin ostracized and treated as pariah during the Genoa economic conference in April 10, 1922
In response, Chicherin concluded the Treaty of Rapallo on April 16, 1922 with Germany
It was notorious that the so called Stalin-Churchill-Roosevelt Alliance was in fact an unnatural, hypocritical and fortuitous Alliance. At the end of the WWII, when the Russians came out of the war and they decided to take their own security measures, they were through with being treated as pariahs and inferiors and undermenschen.