PALESTINE, the double origin of tragedy

Before the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire aka “the sick man of Europe”, Jews and Arabs had lived thousands yeas on the same land in the then called Mesopotamia (Today Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Palestine) without killing each other. Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians had lived thousands of years side by side in the Middle east and during the 500 years of Islamic rule in Spain. The Great Islamic and Arab civilization was jointly made both by Jews, Muslims and Christians who each of them contributed to the promotion all over the world, of Arab and Muslim Science, philosophy, architecture, technique, literature. But, such peaceful coexistence was overturned overnight, has changed with the expansion of European colonialism and imperialism to the Middle East in the aftermath of the collapse of Ottoman empire and its Arab and Muslim countries of the Middle East triggering the scramble for the Middle East similar to the scramble for Africa decided by Bismarck and its Berlin conference in 1885, Before the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire aka “the sick man of Europe”, Jews and Arabs had lived thousands yeas on the same land in the then called Mesopotamia (Today Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Palestine) without killing each other. Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians had lived thousands of years side by side in the Middle east and during the 500 years of Islamic rule in Spain. The Great Islamic and Arab civilization was jointly made both by Jews, Muslims and Christians who each of them contributed to the promotion all over the world, of Arab and Muslim Science, philosophy, architecture, technique, literature. But, such peaceful coexistence was overturned overnight, has changed with the expansion of European colonialism and imperialism to the Middle East in the aftermath of the collapse of Ottoman empire and its Arab and Muslim countries of the Middle East triggering the scramble for the Middle East similar to the scramble for Africa decided by Bismarck and its Berlin conference in 1885, at the time of the discovery of the first oil fields in Iraq and Arabia(today Saudi Arabia) Willing to save at any cost a faltering Empire, former UK Foreign minister, Arthur Balfour whose country was coveting the black gold of the Middle east region and looking for a proxy state to secure the interests of the British Empire in that region. Balfour made met with Chaim Weissman, born in 1874 in Motyli (Belarus), who was one of founding members of the Zionist movement along Theodor Hertzel and made with him a deal of mutual help, Weizmann, chemist by profession and the inventor of the Acetone thanks to bacterial fermentation of maize starch and used to produce explosives for the British army during the WWI, in return Balfour signed a document, called Balfour declaration in which the government of her majesty is committed to support the creation of Jewish state in Palestine. We can say without mistaking that today Palestinian tragedy goes back to this nefarious deal between Balfour and Weizmann, inventor of the Acetone used to produce explosives for the British army during the WWI and the oil coveted by the British Empire for its rising industry chiefly for automobile car mainly for the first tanks used on the battlefield during the WWI.