Tools of toatliatrianism : Education and Indoctrination
The idea of education or rather in the long run of indoctrination of the people makes its first appearance in the late eighteenth century under the two American and French revolutions. In order to cope with the new situation induced by the rising of Masses in the course of the American and French revolution. For the revolutionary leaders, it was of absolute necessity to educate and to indoctrinate the people making him more conscious of its own interests. The two eminent promoters of a system of public and compulsory education were Condorcet and Robespierre whose the objective was the defense of the new Jacobin Constitution conceived as device in favour of the people against its enemy, the “rich” who possess the financial means to hire mercenary scribblers to mislead the people. To give to this latter the weapon with which I could fight, the people must be educated and the scribblers must be silenced and even to be sued and to be brought in Justice. Robespierre ‘s aim was to ally the people itself with the Convention and the Convention make in turn use of the people