Black legend of stalinism : Stalin, statesman, strategist and geopolitical thinker
The black legend of Stalinism transforms the Soviet leader, Stalin into a monster and blood thirsty and his name evokes immediately that of Gulag, camps, purges and million victims of his regime. This black legend of Stalinism deliberately blacks out main distinctive features of Stalin’s personality as statesman, strategist and geopolitical thinker, who always reasoned in terms of security and strategic defense for his country as we will show below.
The Soviet Union suffered of the Allied interventions from 1918 to 1920 sparked and led from London and Paris. For at least years, Litvinov’s policy aiming at breathing life and vitality into the collective security system had unquestionably failed and only to be defeated at every turn; In each crisis that landmarked the European affairs during the decade 1929 to 1939 Ethiopia, Spain, the Rhineland, Austria and Czechoslovakia, where all the initiative and the collaboration of the Soviet Union had been spurned, either she had been ignored, left on one side or her efforts discarded. In the case of Ethiopia, the appeasement governments in London and Paris left Moscow alone in Geneva operating in a vacuum. At Munich conference, Russia was ignored, ostracized and thrown out bodily from any voice in European affairs. This marginalization of the Soviet government had been made under the pretext that Russia could not be trusted and that her assistance would not be worth much in any case. Decidedly, the force in France and Britain which were determined to work with the fascist and Nazi regimes were too strong to be easily unhorsed. The appeasement Governments in Paris and London deliberately planned to turn Hitler toward the East and into a war with Russia.