Comment on the chiraquie

When Chirac left his post in 2007,he was unpopular, having hardly 20% of popular support. When he became prime minister in 1986, under Mitterand presidency, he initiated a neoliberal policy, beginning by a large campaign of privatizations that had been nationalized by Mitterand after 1981, especially the arm maker MATRA and TV channel TFI. He initiated a series of dismantlement of the State expressed by the “Devaquet reform” of national education opposed by student movement and the murder of Malik Oussekin by French police. To seduce Le Pen voters for presidential election of 1995, he became racist with his “bruit et l’odeur” stigmatizing North African immigrants in France. After his election as president in 1995, he initiated nuclear tests in French territory of Murerowa contributing to the pollution of ground and liberating radioactivity in the atmosphere.

After his election in 1995, he initiated a new policy of dismantlement of the rail and the security social by Juppée Plan, opposed by the workers through huge strikes which paralyzed the country during three weeks, obliging the government to capitulate and to renounce.1995 strikes were still graved in the memory as the last battle of the working class against the savage campaign of dismantlement of welfare state in France

Two years after his election in 1997, he dissolved the National Assembly and summoned for new election after which his party has lost the majority paving the way to socialist Lionel Jospin.

In 1999, he engaged France in NATO military campaign against Serbia in order to achieve the dismantlement of Ex Yugoslavia

To be elected president in 2002, the privatized channel TF1 owned by his friend Bouygues, began six months before the election a campaign centered on the theme of fear with manipulated images of propaganda showing falsely an aged man being attacked by North African young. This campaign centered on the fear had as main objective to rise up the popularity of Far right wing party of Jean Mary Le Pen who was Chirac’s challenger in the second round of presidential election of 2002 allowing this one to be elected with a huge score of more than 82%, a turnout worthy of the name of “Banana Republic”

During Paris’s riots in 2005, he repressed the rioters by imposing curfew

Of course France didn’t participate in Iraq invasion in 2003 but after the assassination of his friend, the Lebanese prime minister and rolling in money,  Rafik Hariri, Chirac was behind Cedar Color revolution constraining Syrian troops which were present in Lebanon from the beginning of the civil war in 1975, to withdraw. Chirac was also behind the setting up of the Special penal international for Lebanon aiming at toppling Assad regime in Syria  

Chirac was the example of corrupt politician who has been soaked in many case of corruption amounted to millions Euros. He escaped all procedures aimed at trying him ahead a tribunal. He remained unpunished while ordinary citizen is put in jail for some 100 Euros.

Chirac’s death is instrurmentalized by the macronie and his propaganda mass media for one main purpose : mobilizing the conservative forces in France by seeking their political support in the battle to confront the future social struggle opposing his neoliberal policy aiming at dismantling of the social security and  the regime of retirement inherited from the liberation and the National Council of Resistance(Conseil national de la résistance)