Origines Médiévales de la science et de la technique Jusqu’ici, l’histoire de la science a été racontée d’une façon idyllique par des historiens et des philosophes salariés qui ont proclamé le principe de l’infaillibilité du savoir scientifique face aux autres savoirs jetés au rebut et... [ Continue Reading ]
Science et Technique, étude comparative d’histoire et d’épistémologie
Science et Technique, étude comparative d'histoire et d'épistémologie la science est-elle productrice de connaissances au point de déclencher la grande révolution scientifique et ses rejetons, la révolution intellectuelle avec le Siècle des Lumières et la révolution industrielle de al fin du XVIIIe et du début... [ Continue Reading ]
What is Totalitarianism ?
What is totalitarianism ? The first thing to do when we have to deal with the question of totaliatrianism is, as prealable, to put aside all those received ideas, clicjés, stereotypes and schèmes established and widespreaded in the aftermath of the Second Wordl War, by the paid and... [ Continue Reading ]
Natural right and imperialism
Natural right and imperialism Natural right had been used by western imperialism as ideological weapon in order to conquer territories and to dismember old empires in Europe( Spansih and Ottoman empires) and in Asia (Chinese and Persian empires). Broadly defined, the concept of natural right is that... [ Continue Reading ]
Tools of totalitarianism : domesticating and manipulating the masses
Tools of totalitarianism : domesticating and manipulating the masses The rising of the masses began in teh eighteenth century and played a key role during the two révolutions, American and French révolutions. Historical research reveraled the active participation of the masses in the success of american and... [ Continue Reading ]
Tools of totalitarianism : Education and indoctrination
Tools of toatliatrianism : Education and Indoctrination The idea of education or rather in the long run of indoctrination of the people makes its first appearance in the late eighteenth century under the two American and French revolutions. In order to cope with the new... [ Continue Reading ]
Tools of totalitarianism : fight against the popular sovereignty
Tools of totalitarianism : fight against the popular sovereignty The rise of the masses in History was expressed by their claims for participation and involvement in political activity. But the fear of men of property was accompanied by the erection of barriers and sophisticated and legal hurdles... [ Continue Reading ]
Tools of Totalitarianism : state of exception, state of emergency
Tools of totalitarianism : state of exception, state of emergency The origins of the state of exception or state of emergency can be traced back to the two American and French Revolutions. After the American Declaration of Independence, the Young American republic was to cope... [ Continue Reading ]
European totalitarianism (2)
European totalitarianism (2) In the aftermath of the First World War, the main concern of the victorious powers was less the peace in itself that of how dealing with this new and dangerous threat which was the Bolshevism. Indeed, Versailles's peace-settlement imposed by the major... [ Continue Reading ]
European totalitarianism (1)
European totalitarianism (1) European totalitarianism can be traced back first to the "total war" waged by the French armies during the Revolution, to Bonaparte dictatorship and to his nineteenth century’s offshoot the Bonapartism embodied by Napoleon III and Bismarck and then to the First World... [ Continue Reading ]