Colour revolution in Belgrade

Belgrade acting Mayor Alexandar Sapic qualified the riots as Maidanisation” and the prime minister Prime Minister Ana Brnabic thanked the Russian security services for information about the impending colour revolution, well proven old technique going back to the aftermath of the WWII implemented by the CIA helped by the spy networks of former Nazi, Reinhard Gehlen serving as model for Georges Soros whose main mission determined by the Truman Doctrine, aimed at destabilizing and destroying the then new socialist eastern bloc. It is nt the first time a colour revolution takes place in Serbia.For the 2000 election, the opposition rallied behind Vojislav Kootunica and vigilant election monitoring and exit polling suggested that he had taken more than half of the vote in a five-man race. When official results did not tally, 10 days of protests followed. Behind the colour revolution that toppled Milosovic was the neo nazi group OPTOR which inspired Ukraine’s nazi groups that toppled Yanukovich’s government. lessons from previous protests, the color revolution phenomenon has some innovative features that are common to all the campaigns mentioned here. Immediately remarkable is that the majority of mass demonstrations have occurred during the course of an election. Elections are considered propitious occasions to inspire protesters, partially because they sometimes provide a rare opportunity to mobilize and protest with relative impunity as international observers are usually present. Elections provide a chance for a disenchanted population to offer a judgment, and when that right is taken from the electorate through vote rigging or other forms of manipulation, these transgressions can provide further stimuli for action. Another common element has been the total lack, at least in theory, of violent actions initiated by anti-regime agitators.

The first colour revolution fomented by the CIA and Gehlen spy networks took place in the nascent DDR in 1953. It is therefore false to date the origins of the colour revolution to the period following the breakup of the Soviet Union, as if there is no hidden action of the CIA and the collective West In March of 1946, British politician Winston Churchill was already redefining the new spheres of inluence and began to speak of the ‘iron curtain that [had] descended across the continent’, drawing a line ‘from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic’. The anti communist crusade led by the Western powers had begun. The firs colour revolution fomented by capitalist west took place in East Germany, 1953; Poland, 1956, 1970, Hungary 1956, Prague, 1968, Warsaw 1980, Paris, 1968, Tiananmen, 1989, Czechoslovakia in the autumn of 1989. On August 23, 1989, when two million people linked hands in a continuous chain from Vilnius in Lithuania through Latvia and on to the Estonian capital, Tallinn, in what was known as the “Baltic Chain.” In 1991 a general strike, gathering workers and students in Kiev, Ukraine, led to the resignation of Prime Minister Maso. Slovakia in 1998, Serbia in 2000, Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004, and Kyrgyzstan in 2005, failed color revolutions, including Belarus in 2003 and 2006, and Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in 2005, Uzbekistan in 2005, Nepal in 2006, and Burma in 2007,